Monday, June 05, 2006

Zabriskie's Trying Times - Part Deux

While Zabriskie shredded the Dauphiné prologue, he didn't fair so well on a hillier ITT at the Tour de Georgia a couple months back. Congrats to the American though, and thanks for representing us on French soil.

I expect, however, that when they hit the mountains later this week, he'll be looking more like he did on Brasstown . . . sucking wind and losing time:

Don't get me wrong, I really like Dave Z. - he's one of the more (how should I say) "interesting" American pro cyclists out there. He'll tell you just the same that he hasn't go the legs to run with the big boys on the climbs. Flat ITTs - for sure, bet the bank. Brasstown, the Alps, Mont Ventoux - not so much. Enjoy it for now Dave, and keep that grin on your face no matter what!


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